♥. HAPPY / SAD ?lets just cut short everythinqq . {:
♥. ii came back from sch andd bath & i went to tm with MUM .
SCH TIMES ♥. first period is PE , havinq abit qurreal with cher JUST BECOX I DONT WAN TO PLAY BADMINTON . ok dhen today we took heigh andd weight . my weight is 48kg }: ii wan back my 46 !! agrhs !~ nvm ii will jiayous ~ hmmx . andd dhen my heigh no changes {: 157 hees ~
♥. recess have-ed recess with
VERONniuer &
EMILYchann {: having fun with them just like no stress ? HAHAs {:
♥. CPA damm cold cox raining heavily outside {: hmmx iim just so borinqq canns ? && i finish my CPA's work very fast :P hahars .
♥. MATHS i hate most ! omg ! my test i got 0/20 :P hahahrs . acturally abit disppointed lluhs . but nvm ii just prepare to fail in my end of year examination for maths :P ( must admit that ii wrote down notes for maths )
♥. ENGLISH , do CA2 exam . damm difficult ! omqq ! everyone dont even know how to do >< is like , everyone is rasing up hands && ask qns . o_o imagin? L0Ls ~ but ii think cann atleast cann get 10marks . :P
♥. HUIYI JIE IS MIA-ING ? omqq nono . is i mia in her bloqq }: sorry jie ! CHEER UP KAYS ? i will always be there for you andd always ! rmb my hp is a hotline for u {: but only open for 15 hrs X= ILOVEYOOOS
TAMPINES MALL♥. omqq ii just like spend 10 mins to draw my eyeliner ? >< so fast ! first time BREAK RECORD ! hahas ! hmmx . ii went to tm , with mum alone ? -.- so werid lols !~ alright dhen after tat we went to have our lunch . && ii found ii have been a lonqq lonqq time din eat duck noodle . so we eat duck noodle .
♥. after eating we went to pay up bills && everythinqq i wan mum to buy 2 piecs of banga-sheets . X= about 3bucks plus . awws ~ }: hmmx && dhen we went to watsons marmie was looking for her make ups . dhen ii went to pick a eyeliner && call her buy X=
♥. andd dhen we went to shop & save to buy 4-D >< andd dhen we went to A shop sell clips andd stuff ~ dhen ii was asking marmie to buy clip for me X= andd dhen she bought it for me ! THANKS MUM !
♥. andd we went to this fashion to buy clothes for 25thJULYo7 . so we choose very lonqq andd ii saw what ii wan andd ii bought {: just like ... omqq ! HAHAHRS ! like finally bought clothes like that >< hees . dhen we went to interchange to go home dhen is like... I JUST CANT BELIEVE MY EYES ! u know what ii saw ? CAMPUS MAG. omqq ! is like wdhells ! so nice !~ omqq . dhen ii bought it ! so cute la !! omq ! {:
so happy mans !
♥. DEAR ;
i just miss yooos like hells canns ?
haix just wish that u cann stay
beside me for just awhile
{: mooooarks !
♥. girls ,
just make ur friendship even stronqqer kays ?
maybe somethinqq has happen between u girls .
but just sit down andd hear what each other got
to explain . andd ii know sometimes its really
other ppl fault, make u dont feel like talking
to that person , but just stand at ppl's view .
not happy jiu say come out . if really dont wan talk
dhen just forever dont talk . this is what friendship means
wan jiu forever , dont wan jiu say BYES !
thats alls . maybe try to understand ppl more .
just hope u girls will be alright like last time {:
ii really hope to see u girls
holding hands andd walk together again !
hope my words helps . just think what is wrong andd right
before u lost something very improtant to yoos .
iloveyou girls .
sister ship ? tmr is changing bloggskins