Perhaps, I doesn`t know.
Maybe i`m just being forgetten (:
But i`m ok ! Cox i know its always like that.
Now, i`m shall just be alone.
But please dont ever regret if i left, cox i
doesn`t wna see your eyes full of regrets. If
the one day come, I`ll give up automaticly.
Cox on the one day, I`m alr being forgetten.
I shall just step away, and go for my world.
Wells, I just have to be not being so childish,
Keep iratated you. I`m no longer lil girl anymore.
I shall decide everythhing myself.
Ever, i told before
LesliLove can`t be holding too tight cox it may die fast.
Meaning? Fade fast. Leting go too much, The love will run aways.
Just middle will do (: && this is what im always finding,
Atleat i know you love me i`m enough alr.
To My big brother cousin.
Thanks for the advise, Seriously, from small till now,
You keep protecting me, But i din ever say a thankyou.
Thanksyou so much! Whenever theres you ard, there will be me.
I`ll not cut myself anymore. Wells, tonight really enjoy talking
to you on fone, Sorry that i shown my temper. && keep saying you`re wrong.
Sorry my brother, by the time i know, it`s alr too late. Cox he`s alr
gone far aways. && i`m forgortten by him.
Wells, i should pick up my feelings & bring him everywhr i goes.
Until a day i found a place to let him be.
In days, I feel myself its so right, But acturally i`m
really in a bigbig wrong. Somedays when we think back.
Maybe will be laughing at it. Cox it`s really foolish.
I really miss those day, although its foolish.
You told me, what sistership means, & i understand.
I know my mistake not to cherish everyone,
Now it`s alr too late also. Cox all my sister
has their life alr. No longer need me. So just stand aside &
send the best blessing to them.
&& My studies will be better next year i promise.
You told me " My lil precious, you`ve grown up i can`t stand
by you protect & dotes you for years right? So you`ve to do everything
Yourself! HuiYu Yao jiayous !"
This sentences make me so awake. I`m alr, Fifteen. No longer a kid .
Hais, sorry for being childish sister, brother & him.
I`ll know from my mistake alr.
I`ll change to a better i promise (:
Since that day, I`m dead
From today, I`m alive.
{Maybe cutting short hair Laughs *}