Hellos! I just came back from bugis.
My head is damn stupid pain ,dont know what happen leyys.
Okay nehhmindd. i still can blog.
just now i went out with my brother and his friend ,huanchoon.
I Love Them! Being with them is so so so fun!
and well, i bought 4 tees. ohmygod, isn't it too much?
(sorry for spending ): ) Huanchoon bought a piano belt.
is ohmytian de nice please! Im so inlove with it :D
we went to cityplaza too ,but nothing catch our interest.
So bought nothing . walk the whole day, legs are really pain.
Once again ,heels is killing me.
we went to Macdonald ,oh please, those people aint thoughtful at all.
they finish their food ,sit there slacking.
im really angry ,i stared at them for minutes please.
they know im staring but they still sit there. Like what the hell lah.
finally i got my place ,they dare not look anymore. this kind of people are selfish.
i mean like ,if theres not people waiting for seats . of cause you can sit down there,
like nobody business. but theres so many people waiting for the seats you know.
Bang shot them! Agrhs!
one more things ,you know i saw a guy touching his girlfriend breast like no people is
looking. I feel so disgusting la . I never say its wrong la ,but at least do this when no
people around, or lesser people. But the bus is full with people and they talk very loudly
likethe whole bus is theirs :/ and they are sitting at the back seat. and infront of them,
there's still people. and beside them too. ohmygod, they are too open mans!
im not trying to say what la. This is what i feel lohr.
Disgusting !
People, my derrick hoh is backk !
He is so cute so handsome please ,but too bad he is mine mine mine!
I Love Derrick Hoh.
nothing much to update will update more tomorrow :D
Love You People!
Sing with me, Do do do ra ra mi mi do !
dont say you miss me, dont put any thinking in your mind.
i promise i will wait no matter when i will get my answer.
but i swear i wouldnt let you know, just promise me wait for me to be back.
i promise i will miss you during my high rides, duration of the trip there.
when i aint around, please dont keep whisper her(s) your little secrets.
you know i will get jealous easily. although i have no prepared anything to move
your little heart, but i swear my heart is fully there ,always.
My Mr.Troublesome boyfriend ,please dont try to act blur and get away.
i'd promise youre the one ,and you will be the one :]
i've made my mind set ,it's you! till now, nothing is gonna change anything !
cover your mouth* dont say anything, you dont have to say anything.
i just need to know your heart and what ive done is all worth it.
trust me, if the answer aint what i want ,i'll still wait.
one day ,i'll tell you how i feel face to face. :]
Trust me ,i want to tell you how much i love you ,hugging you tight tight!
when ever you look at me ,my heart will jump ten hundred, million billion times.
hold my breathe back ,i will love you :]
and to my dearest ,dont worry. i aint attached yet.
if you want to know ,you can ask me who am i referring i'll tell you,
if i trust you lots! :] This is really important to me.
a serious speaking ,this is the very first time i want this him so much.
some things i must make it clear, (Im not not not attached)
today, the last day of the nasty mayy ! :D
Happy happy, come come to me. i'll kiss you all around.
yesterday i sleep around 11 plus plus, and i woke up at a very stupid time,
2.30 am m m m m m. Stupid right? now adays i keep woke up at those
weird and nasty time. Okay, and i went back to sleep, as i force myself to sleep.
finally i fall asleep dont know what time is it. And i woke up at, 4 Am sharp!
I swear i'm damn super tired. i went back to sleep again, until 8.19Am, stupid time):
Chen wei yang is so so so bad please! shall not talk about his bad things,
later he come and kill me :D
Later going bugis and city plazaa ! :] accompany huanchoon to buy his stuff :D
to cher ng rui xue,
i treat everyone fair, only huixin. i think you know this.
if i really treat you as dog ,i wouldn't care about your feeling
and write whatever i want. Wouldn't tell you my secret.
Don't say until i'm really nasty please.
seriously i never draw a line between huixin and co.
cause i think every friend of mine is too important, only for huixin ain't the same.
friend is part of me ,i think you know this.
After my last bestie friendship is gone,
i think you know towards my friendship, i dare not put in much effort.
Among all my friends you're the one who understand me most.
you know my attitude ,what i like and dont like.
If i really treat you different, than siying? how i treat her?
Please, is obviously different than i treat you.
I admit, im kinda angry when i read your blog. Seriously ,you doesnt think
before saying things out. You cant just look at how i treat you, you must also see
how i treat others. maybe sometime i really dont like you this and that,
maybe because of 4 years friendship bahs?

Song Of The Day : 幸福就好 By 棒棒堂
Everything seems to be must towards me.
im so damn tired. I'm not robot.
why didi's things is so 理所当然 why i must work hard for my everything.
didi's one word, mummy think it's so important.
He ask for hundred dollars mummy give, i ask me 30dollars it seems like
asking for thousand! Why can anyone tell me why?
I keep telling myself, mummy is fair, is fair. But it obviously is not fair at all.
whenever didi wake up, he do nothing he have breakfast. Me?
I have to buy it myself! like wthell please! i dont want to hurt any of my family.
I keep it to myself. I cried once yesterday, today its still the same.
im really tired . ): But i still love my mummy
I really do.
im so damn tired. I'm not robot.
why didi's things is so 理所当然 why i must work hard for my everything.
didi's one word, mummy think it's so important.
He ask for hundred dollars mummy give, i ask me 30dollars it seems like
asking for thousand! Why can anyone tell me why?
I keep telling myself, mummy is fair, is fair. But it obviously is not fair at all.
whenever didi wake up, he do nothing he have breakfast. Me?
I have to buy it myself! like wthell please! i dont want to hurt any of my family.
I keep it to myself. I cried once yesterday, today its still the same.
im really tired . ): But i still love my mummy
I really do.