Yawns, it's 11.23
lets see how long i take to finish up this post.
(it might be a long one) hahahahah.
today i have my dinner with Huat gang, and xingan tagged along.
it's really a cool night ! i enjoy alot. As usual, shawn is entertaining me
so many stories to say, and joke around. Aw, how i wish there will be
this kind of outing every week .
camwhored, and finally huiqi want to take photo with me !
hahahas ! ok enough of my crapping.
I shall jump to photo ! :D

not much . Good night.
Fen kai yi hou By Dang Yu Zhe
i really hate to say your name. it remind me of every single thing.
& that really hurts me alot. Cant i just delete everything ?
i dont want to be like that too . But i cant .. ):
lets see how long i take to finish up this post.
(it might be a long one) hahahahah.
today i have my dinner with Huat gang, and xingan tagged along.
it's really a cool night ! i enjoy alot. As usual, shawn is entertaining me
so many stories to say, and joke around. Aw, how i wish there will be
this kind of outing every week .
camwhored, and finally huiqi want to take photo with me !
hahahas ! ok enough of my crapping.
I shall jump to photo ! :D

not much . Good night.
Fen kai yi hou By Dang Yu Zhe
i really hate to say your name. it remind me of every single thing.
& that really hurts me alot. Cant i just delete everything ?
i dont want to be like that too . But i cant .. ):