Thought of changing url. But allow this thinking to go . cause i know it's really troublesome to relink me almost everyday . so shall stick with this ! Actually ain't that bad having a url which is your own name. Thought it's sounds really stupid, but infact it's coolest. Cause this whole world, you only have this name of yours ! *Winks* ok, i sounds like radio ! Laughzx .
Yesterday was at home all the way till night than went out with parents. Went to prawn-ing . Hahahs, never heard before prawning right ? I explain to yazi yesterday, so i shall explain here too ! Fishing = Tiao Yu / Prawning = Tiao Xia ! Get me ? So yesterday went with shawn. Actually mummy dont intend to go, but because shawn the irritating Fm, mummy went ! He keep going to mummy room and " Go ley, go tiao yu ley" irritating do work sometimes ! Jessy jie jie came to fetch us . We went there and seriously, we went there for mosquito to bite . Ok, and we went there snap kind of lots picture. As i only get some from shawn. (Note: His camera rocks like mad ok )
So ya, and the chicken wing seriously best ! Hahahs, though it taste abit bitter, but quite nice actually ! We went to a place for finger food. Over all still ok . And the most fun thing was, shawn and me vs arcade the racing car ! It's totally fun like mad ! hahahs, so i couldn't deny that we are still like little kids. Laughzx ! Ok, i need to keep those childish action . Just use it at times ! Hahhahas !
i need to catch 霹靂MIT ! It's getting more and more interesting ! <3> Yesterday all thanks to shawn tok, i can't really pay attention on it !
PS Infact that kind of life isn't nice. Infact, the luck isn't what we say. When people by people conversation you could really heard some bitter, sweet and spicy in it. The knifes the cut couldn't even push it away. When you really found out that kind of words really used to it. You wouldn't push it away anymore. A sad song played in fm, you wouldn't close it, but keep listening to the lyric.
PS Alone really ain't that bad, not the rest of life. But at times. At least when you need your peace, you can have it easily. When you feel that kind of feeling, you're growing stronger .
PS i've changed by abit.
PS 是不是我太乖看不见他的坏
Edited !
为什么 当心爱的人的说话
是那么的痛 那么的痛的
为什么 连回答都 好痛好痛
心 不听得在流血 好像被刀刺了 好多刀
不停的在流血 泪也不停的流了
为什么 当一直守护着我的那个人
要离开 我会那么的难过
会问自己 为什么当我需要人的时候
确是 自己一个
连 想找个人聊天 都没有
cheer up please ! i will never leave you alone trust me.
Sister is to stay together, not throwing you alone when you are down.
But if you don't tell me what happen to your world.
i will never know by reading those lines in your blog.
if you really do treat me as BFF, please tell me .
Repeat: i will never leave you alone like that .
30 November 2008
29 November 2008
★为什么 总是我★
One lie, you have to say another lie to cover it .
the weather is really hot and spicy . Though the way i describe is kind of weird but trust me ! the weather is terrible hot ! The sun is big like mad, and the rain come as they like. Don't know what's wrong wit hthe weather today ! im gonna get burn soon ! But well, i woke up at 10 plus plus, suppose to go have lunch with Yaziiii, but didn't . cause mummy cooking today ! So didn't went for lunch, but next time surely surely ! :D
Anyway, yesterday i was at home like bored. At night there's this two guys trying to be funny. Cheat my feeling like mad ! *Jump & Run around * Feeling so lousy when i think of it ! Chou yazi and sam came to my house and bluff me that they go off already ! So bad right ? some more hor, i like idiot lahzx ! !@#$%^&*()!@#$ . And i got cheated by this two guys !! Ok, drop this topic off, cause it's really so paiseng pleaseee !
Yesterday while they came, i was watching 我愛黑澀會, cause derrick ! he is oh-so-cute and handsome i tell you ! He is really really cute lahzx, they need to pull votes, the one who have more votes can sing one of their album song. So the winner is Derrick Hoh ! He played guitar, sing Ji De By AhMei and sing Ni Zou Tian Qiao Wo Zou Di Xia Dao ! Oh oh ! did you guys watch ? the cute is totally undescribeable ! Must support him ahh ! :D
Today stuck at home again ! Tonight going fishing ! *Waiting* I wanna watch 霹靂MIT Ep 4 is out already, catch it catch it !
PS 变成一个影 隐藏了自己
爱情困难呼吸 我是沉默玩具
执着对你无限期 模糊我自己
不愿升上白旗 输了你的游戏
你和他 对街拥抱 我看到
为什么一厢情愿的人 会难过
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
爱上你 需要那真情意 收在日记里
寂寞天天不休息 让甜蜜全也忘记
幸福不再美丽 可是我会在意
自作对你的深情 我不会怪自己
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意 收在日记里
the weather is really hot and spicy . Though the way i describe is kind of weird but trust me ! the weather is terrible hot ! The sun is big like mad, and the rain come as they like. Don't know what's wrong wit hthe weather today ! im gonna get burn soon ! But well, i woke up at 10 plus plus, suppose to go have lunch with Yaziiii, but didn't . cause mummy cooking today ! So didn't went for lunch, but next time surely surely ! :D
Anyway, yesterday i was at home like bored. At night there's this two guys trying to be funny. Cheat my feeling like mad ! *Jump & Run around * Feeling so lousy when i think of it ! Chou yazi and sam came to my house and bluff me that they go off already ! So bad right ? some more hor, i like idiot lahzx ! !@#$%^&*()!@#$ . And i got cheated by this two guys !! Ok, drop this topic off, cause it's really so paiseng pleaseee !
Yesterday while they came, i was watching 我愛黑澀會, cause derrick ! he is oh-so-cute and handsome i tell you ! He is really really cute lahzx, they need to pull votes, the one who have more votes can sing one of their album song. So the winner is Derrick Hoh ! He played guitar, sing Ji De By AhMei and sing Ni Zou Tian Qiao Wo Zou Di Xia Dao ! Oh oh ! did you guys watch ? the cute is totally undescribeable ! Must support him ahh ! :D
Today stuck at home again ! Tonight going fishing ! *Waiting* I wanna watch 霹靂MIT Ep 4 is out already, catch it catch it !
PS 变成一个影 隐藏了自己
爱情困难呼吸 我是沉默玩具
执着对你无限期 模糊我自己
不愿升上白旗 输了你的游戏
你和他 对街拥抱 我看到
为什么一厢情愿的人 会难过
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
爱上你 需要那真情意 收在日记里
寂寞天天不休息 让甜蜜全也忘记
幸福不再美丽 可是我会在意
自作对你的深情 我不会怪自己
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意
为什么对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意 收在日记里
28 November 2008
Got abit trap in this little house today ! Full with silents souls flying around. I dont know why sad songs is still as usual playing. I find it weird for me . But i want to smile widely please. Another boring day, but hopefully tv programs keep me entertain the whol afternoon. Found out that guys are all the same (maybe not all). Shall not really say why i have this kind of thinking, as i think it's childish judging people by just a program like this ! So shall not be kiddo. Well, i want to go out so much so much. Junkiat will start working tomorrow, i guess it will be rather quiet at home. Sick sick sick !
Hope santa will give me what i want this year ! As i think i wouldn't get it. Cause, there's no Santa ! ): Little fairy tale making people like me, believing that there is this human soul, Santa. But i guess this whole world, i only could find, " Miss Santha" For goodness sake. Fyi, you wouldn't get present from this fake Santa, rather she will catch you on your attire. So hopefully no one would like to see her, though it will be a surprise or something ? Laughzx ! I just counted i have been stop working for 5 days, and seriously, i miss that kind of tired life so badly ! Why every year book feast will be only like 10 days ! why not 1 month ! (mad) Ok, i'm going crazy, just hack me ok
Ok, dairy will be next ! Will mostly update at night ! Using my own mini lappy ! that sounds so irritating ! Have been like years since i last use that ! cause, it's so mini till i really get blind because of it ! So well, hopefully at night !*winks*
我愛黑澀會 , * ThumbsUpUp high *(!)
Yao kan oh, tonight te bie lai bing is derrick and kelly !
Must watch must watch !
PS thought of running, answering, asking and facing it. When i ask that question, do you know it's the answer already ? why fact bring people pain. Sorry, i can't act as if nothing has happen, im not as cool blooded as you. Sorry for being like a fool all this while. You will never know how pain iszit, cause you ain't me. When you became me, when you know the pain, you will know how ugly , how hopeless i am !
PS 请你原谅我不懂听你的心 回想这过去我学着让你更安心 别赌气别任性别放弃说声对不起 别赌气别任性别放弃 请你相信我我会更加珍惜 请你相信我我会呵护着你 小小的爱情却是我最大的幸运 疼爱的想念的都是你 请你相信一个这样的我 * 对不起.... 对不起*
Hope santa will give me what i want this year ! As i think i wouldn't get it. Cause, there's no Santa ! ): Little fairy tale making people like me, believing that there is this human soul, Santa. But i guess this whole world, i only could find, " Miss Santha" For goodness sake. Fyi, you wouldn't get present from this fake Santa, rather she will catch you on your attire. So hopefully no one would like to see her, though it will be a surprise or something ? Laughzx ! I just counted i have been stop working for 5 days, and seriously, i miss that kind of tired life so badly ! Why every year book feast will be only like 10 days ! why not 1 month ! (mad) Ok, i'm going crazy, just hack me ok
Ok, dairy will be next ! Will mostly update at night ! Using my own mini lappy ! that sounds so irritating ! Have been like years since i last use that ! cause, it's so mini till i really get blind because of it ! So well, hopefully at night !*winks*
我愛黑澀會 , * ThumbsUpUp high *(!)
Yao kan oh, tonight te bie lai bing is derrick and kelly !
Must watch must watch !
PS thought of running, answering, asking and facing it. When i ask that question, do you know it's the answer already ? why fact bring people pain. Sorry, i can't act as if nothing has happen, im not as cool blooded as you. Sorry for being like a fool all this while. You will never know how pain iszit, cause you ain't me. When you became me, when you know the pain, you will know how ugly , how hopeless i am !
PS 请你原谅我不懂听你的心 回想这过去我学着让你更安心 别赌气别任性别放弃说声对不起 别赌气别任性别放弃 请你相信我我会更加珍惜 请你相信我我会呵护着你 小小的爱情却是我最大的幸运 疼爱的想念的都是你 请你相信一个这样的我 * 对不起.... 对不起*
27 November 2008
Kick your ass right !
Sadness, i want to kick you aside, throw you away in rubbish bin, or flush you away using the toilet bowl ! I want to be happy, don't need to use sadness allow people to pity . So what is that kind of feeling when im happy ? Though nothing is done. But i know there's alot people who love me and really care for me . I want to be a smiling doll that everyone love. I wouldn't cry for little things. I cry when i watch television shows because im not cool blooded ! So it's great having a warm blooded like me ! It's so great to have kind souls in world. Cause i discover there is alot , and they are just beside me ! :D
Now i'd just finish 霹靂MIT ep 2. now chasing 3 ! Yes, this show is full with mysterious ! I really love it cause the actress is GuiGui ! I should admit that i detest watching movie still need to wait for it to load. That really feeling idiotic ! but 霹靂MIT makes me feel like catching the next story and another story ! Woo, nice ! Everyone you should watch it ! You can find it on ! :D catch it, or you will regret !
Anyway, im happy *smile widely with teeths*
Now i'd just finish 霹靂MIT ep 2. now chasing 3 ! Yes, this show is full with mysterious ! I really love it cause the actress is GuiGui ! I should admit that i detest watching movie still need to wait for it to load. That really feeling idiotic ! but 霹靂MIT makes me feel like catching the next story and another story ! Woo, nice ! Everyone you should watch it ! You can find it on ! :D catch it, or you will regret !
Anyway, im happy *smile widely with teeths*
Twenty Seven Again.
I think it's very stupid telling people how sad i am. but i promised alot people that i wouldn't keep things to myself, as i told some people about it. and so hopefully, nothing is done. I have alot of advise on hands but yet, i don't wish to move on . That's the reason why i'm sad. Now, just believe me . I will allow myself to enjoy the day with tears, i will stand up for myself to be stronger. Cause there's people who love me. I know love ain't forever, i know love will not be everything in life. Im not hinting whatever things, but just telling myself be stronger, that's the thing i want to say. My post isn't nice today, so please if you don't like to read, you can leave now. I swear i wouldn't make you stay (as i don't wish people wouldn't continue reading too)
Yesterday was really nice chatting with Huu, guanleongg and heihei. Disturbing Yuekai and Yazi. After that i went home, i told yazi not to follow me up the bus but he followed at last . (you promise de lohzx, you break it !) Nehminds, i need to go home early cause i told mummy i will get home at 8.30 . That day my class bbq, i reach home late . And got scolding . So this time i wouldn't allow that to happen. So went off early :) (Big thank you to guanleong for inviting ya) When home, message message, staring at the television for hours and 12 i went to sleep. And slept to the next afternoon 12 today. Actually i woke up at 8am, cause sam called me. i don't know what is he up to har ? called me so early . Lols. so i didn't pick up anyway.
House is empty. Full with silents souls flying around. Without noticing, i became mute too . *bigsigh* i guess i don't update here anymore. I shall update my dairy more often.
PS dont neglect feelings that are appearing infront of. don't run away from the fear that can be over-come. never never throw away the feeling that you think you cherish it most. Cause all the above you will turn out regretting. I don't want that to happen in my life.
PS thank you yazi for understanding everything. I can't do much for you, yet you did so much to me. I seem like a very weak doll infront of you. But thanks alot, greatly appreciated !
PS dairy, can you tell everyone what i told you last night ? ): i feel like saying so much so much !
为什么被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什么相爱 日子却依然空白
为什么你 走不到我的未来
让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
让爱固定下来 我和你 不要不要分开
Yesterday was really nice chatting with Huu, guanleongg and heihei. Disturbing Yuekai and Yazi. After that i went home, i told yazi not to follow me up the bus but he followed at last . (you promise de lohzx, you break it !) Nehminds, i need to go home early cause i told mummy i will get home at 8.30 . That day my class bbq, i reach home late . And got scolding . So this time i wouldn't allow that to happen. So went off early :) (Big thank you to guanleong for inviting ya) When home, message message, staring at the television for hours and 12 i went to sleep. And slept to the next afternoon 12 today. Actually i woke up at 8am, cause sam called me. i don't know what is he up to har ? called me so early . Lols. so i didn't pick up anyway.
House is empty. Full with silents souls flying around. Without noticing, i became mute too . *bigsigh* i guess i don't update here anymore. I shall update my dairy more often.
PS dont neglect feelings that are appearing infront of. don't run away from the fear that can be over-come. never never throw away the feeling that you think you cherish it most. Cause all the above you will turn out regretting. I don't want that to happen in my life.
PS thank you yazi for understanding everything. I can't do much for you, yet you did so much to me. I seem like a very weak doll infront of you. But thanks alot, greatly appreciated !
PS dairy, can you tell everyone what i told you last night ? ): i feel like saying so much so much !
为什么被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什么相爱 日子却依然空白
为什么你 走不到我的未来
让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
让爱固定下来 我和你 不要不要分开
26 November 2008
Two hundred bad things
Two hundred sad things happened today .
The first one hundred things is, those things that came out from her mouth is totally aint the same. and isn't what i wanted. And totally out of point. I wouldn't blame her cause she is my mother, no matter what she is my mother. I should blame myself for being like that yea ? i dont know why im behaving this way ! and seriously, i hate it ! I dont want to be treat like a princess. )': Today i bet i cry like mad infront of yazi ! And thanks to this guy, i seriously couldn't stop my tears. Cause his face is , "Cry out Loud"
The second two hundred sad thing is, *BigSigh* Im so sad about this thing, and seriously, my mind is totally empty, only containing this thing ! (dont ask me what, i seriously dont feel like saying it out ) So buddies, dont ask me ok ? pleaseeee !
Ok, im sad.
PS ):
The first one hundred things is, those things that came out from her mouth is totally aint the same. and isn't what i wanted. And totally out of point. I wouldn't blame her cause she is my mother, no matter what she is my mother. I should blame myself for being like that yea ? i dont know why im behaving this way ! and seriously, i hate it ! I dont want to be treat like a princess. )': Today i bet i cry like mad infront of yazi ! And thanks to this guy, i seriously couldn't stop my tears. Cause his face is , "Cry out Loud"
The second two hundred sad thing is, *BigSigh* Im so sad about this thing, and seriously, my mind is totally empty, only containing this thing ! (dont ask me what, i seriously dont feel like saying it out ) So buddies, dont ask me ok ? pleaseeee !
Ok, im sad.
PS ):
25 November 2008
*deleted + edited *
Time at home seriously is crawling so slowly like tortise does ! it's possible for me to blog every hour + sec. And you might just accompany me sitting infront of the comp and keep refreshing ! i bet that was fun ! hahaha, but it's impossible. i dont wish my blog flooding with rubbish post like that . hahahs. As you can see, the previous post is already deleted and im now here editing so happily. That idiotic post is full with naive thinking yo ? so i doesn't want to be like litte kiddo thinking for that kind of things to come true. So do you right ? Cause life must be full with challenges , that will make life more interesting and enjoyable. Though most of the time will be sad like kittens, but after you over-come it. you will feel more happier than before isn't it ? hahahas .
Wait, dont think im crazy or something. Just pointing out the fact as they are right at all times. Hahahas. Yes, im keep repeating a song from daylight to darknights, the song is playing now (hopefully) hahahs, Dont you think it's nice ? Im so addicted ! It's even nice if you listen it when you're alone. I always does that . It' brings me huge courage, Even it's a song time, but it's long enough for you to explain everything or even proves things right. *winks* Im getting Ruien's album, cause she is the reason for me to be brave ! (hor yazi ? i regret it manzx ! ): ) The next album is, Gennie chuo. Cause heard that her songs is fully great. So not forgetting my D-Day II and and and my kelly's album. So many things waiting for me. But .. im not gonna spend money so easily now. cause i know the hard of earning money ! it's really tired ok ! hahahs, but i kind of like my job, and i tell you a crazy thing .. I MISS MY JOB SO MUCH SO MUCH ! hahahs. i dont know why, i miss huiling, i miss chernnee, i miss jessica and jasmine ! hahahas. They are rocking my world so badly now ! so ya, im so regret not agree to continue at expo. Though huiling , chernnee and jessica wouldn't be there. Hahahs.
Ok, im feeling so fat when im not working this two days. Laughzx, mummy is scolding me like mad saying im crazy. But i seriously easily to inlove to those kind of life that i will get afraid at first. Seriously ok ! hahas, The first day in east view, im also thinking, shyt, i hate it manzx. I bet i will never wanna be alone going into a school like this . But end up, i love east view like mad , ops no no ! i mean i love those peoples in east view due to they are hopefully so nice and great ! hahahs. First day of work, i also hate it like what . Cause those souls faces are really so irritating. But who knows that they are kind like angels ! hahahas. I bet i love them so much !
i love ex-jobby
PS thanks jiejie for the little concern today ! i seriously think im xinfu ok ! hahahas. Love you .
PS Asking myself again, what what what ? Idiot c: Smile and see what there is in this human world. Im trying hard to understand humans languages ! Give me three stars please . ★★★ *winks* thanks !
Time at home seriously is crawling so slowly like tortise does ! it's possible for me to blog every hour + sec. And you might just accompany me sitting infront of the comp and keep refreshing ! i bet that was fun ! hahaha, but it's impossible. i dont wish my blog flooding with rubbish post like that . hahahs. As you can see, the previous post is already deleted and im now here editing so happily. That idiotic post is full with naive thinking yo ? so i doesn't want to be like litte kiddo thinking for that kind of things to come true. So do you right ? Cause life must be full with challenges , that will make life more interesting and enjoyable. Though most of the time will be sad like kittens, but after you over-come it. you will feel more happier than before isn't it ? hahahas .
Wait, dont think im crazy or something. Just pointing out the fact as they are right at all times. Hahahas. Yes, im keep repeating a song from daylight to darknights, the song is playing now (hopefully) hahahs, Dont you think it's nice ? Im so addicted ! It's even nice if you listen it when you're alone. I always does that . It' brings me huge courage, Even it's a song time, but it's long enough for you to explain everything or even proves things right. *winks* Im getting Ruien's album, cause she is the reason for me to be brave ! (hor yazi ? i regret it manzx ! ): ) The next album is, Gennie chuo. Cause heard that her songs is fully great. So not forgetting my D-Day II and and and my kelly's album. So many things waiting for me. But .. im not gonna spend money so easily now. cause i know the hard of earning money ! it's really tired ok ! hahahs, but i kind of like my job, and i tell you a crazy thing .. I MISS MY JOB SO MUCH SO MUCH ! hahahs. i dont know why, i miss huiling, i miss chernnee, i miss jessica and jasmine ! hahahas. They are rocking my world so badly now ! so ya, im so regret not agree to continue at expo. Though huiling , chernnee and jessica wouldn't be there. Hahahs.
Ok, im feeling so fat when im not working this two days. Laughzx, mummy is scolding me like mad saying im crazy. But i seriously easily to inlove to those kind of life that i will get afraid at first. Seriously ok ! hahas, The first day in east view, im also thinking, shyt, i hate it manzx. I bet i will never wanna be alone going into a school like this . But end up, i love east view like mad , ops no no ! i mean i love those peoples in east view due to they are hopefully so nice and great ! hahahs. First day of work, i also hate it like what . Cause those souls faces are really so irritating. But who knows that they are kind like angels ! hahahas. I bet i love them so much !
i love ex-jobby
PS thanks jiejie for the little concern today ! i seriously think im xinfu ok ! hahahas. Love you .
PS Asking myself again, what what what ? Idiot c: Smile and see what there is in this human world. Im trying hard to understand humans languages ! Give me three stars please . ★★★ *winks* thanks !
24 November 2008
Laughzx, my job duty is hopefully come to a end . It's quite she bu de lahzx. The place i work for 6 days, not long but blaming that it's short ! Didn't take pictures to keep memory. But those faces wouldn't be forgotten, huiling, chernnee, michelle, jasmine, jessica, glen (kangaroo), sisha, estse and counter 3, 4, 5, 8 i doesnt know their names, and those packer. They are kind souls ok ? hahahs, they wouldn't be forgotten. Especially kangaroo lahzx ! Hyper at all times, keep jumping here and there ! rock on manzx .
Yesterday didn't do much work, cause there's no people. I dont know whether there is when i went off. But well, though did nothing, but it's fun . Cause keep eating snake ! hahahs. I went at 12, and reached early again. So went to my counter 7 ! :D Nothing to do, Huiling(my manger) ask jessica and me to put all basket to the entrance, so we push those basket there. Came back, chernnee went to have her lunch, and i didn't follow, cause i only have one break so i choose the night one. So helped counter 15 . The aunty voice is like cute lahzx ! :D She is cute too please. Jessica was helping me, both of us was like talking all the way. Laughzx ! than huiling ask her to go other counter, ops !
After awhile, chernnee came back went back to my own counter. Pack pack pack, while joking with jasmine. Laughzx, seriously this two girls, jessica and jasmaine they are seriously, CUTE ! Hahahas, believe not, 21st of nov than i know their name ! laughzx. So hopefully it's great knowing them, seriously ! :D
All the way till night, the queue is like less. Still ok lahzx, Is not worst than the first few days . So haihaoo lo. My dinner i ate, chicken rice. Super nice i tell you ! hahahs. After dinner, i keep counting down, with count 8 the cashier ! laughzx, finally 10 ! but no one announce that the bookfest is ended. And all counter is like waiting, and looking into those places, seriously theres' still alot souls walking around ! making us so .. laughzx. After that i got changed to queue control to replace jasmine cause she need to ask those people can fang ren anot. Was joking with huiling, saying what are we suppose to do, can i take the plastic to put on the zhu chi ren's head ? cause seriously he keep talking ah ? x: hahahas.
So finally, they can fang ren liaos, than queue up to return things. My 'kium cai' time card, My tag and my apron. Ok, whatever iszit. and i ended my job. Exchanged number with jasmine . Laughzx ! She will be going expo to continue the next feast. Im supposed to go actually , but i rejected huiling . Cause i though i will be alone. And somemore, is be cashier , laughzx ! x:
So byebye to bookfeast 2008 popular ! (i will miss youuu !) And yazi came to fetch me home home. And saw alot of familar souls, Sam(like so long didnt saw him), Xiuyi, Kevin & Aihua. Everyone is like joking around. So well, i was really tired. and seriously even sam make me i have no strength to make him back. Hopefully, at the very last he bully aihua, i help her. And we gang up bully sam ! hahahas ! that was nice (Sam de skin very thick lehs ): bite until my teeths very pain lohzx ) Ok, and like finally, reached 201 went down, and byebye !
I went home than yazi came along. Laughzx, chatted chat chat. Than know somethings. But hopefully, can't blame her too . But well, nothing to do with me . hahahas ! X:
Ok, so wordy post, i shall treat you guys some pictures ! *winks*
Enjoy ! :D

13 Nov


15 & 16 Nov


Yesterday didn't do much work, cause there's no people. I dont know whether there is when i went off. But well, though did nothing, but it's fun . Cause keep eating snake ! hahahs. I went at 12, and reached early again. So went to my counter 7 ! :D Nothing to do, Huiling(my manger) ask jessica and me to put all basket to the entrance, so we push those basket there. Came back, chernnee went to have her lunch, and i didn't follow, cause i only have one break so i choose the night one. So helped counter 15 . The aunty voice is like cute lahzx ! :D She is cute too please. Jessica was helping me, both of us was like talking all the way. Laughzx ! than huiling ask her to go other counter, ops !
After awhile, chernnee came back went back to my own counter. Pack pack pack, while joking with jasmine. Laughzx, seriously this two girls, jessica and jasmaine they are seriously, CUTE ! Hahahas, believe not, 21st of nov than i know their name ! laughzx. So hopefully it's great knowing them, seriously ! :D
All the way till night, the queue is like less. Still ok lahzx, Is not worst than the first few days . So haihaoo lo. My dinner i ate, chicken rice. Super nice i tell you ! hahahs. After dinner, i keep counting down, with count 8 the cashier ! laughzx, finally 10 ! but no one announce that the bookfest is ended. And all counter is like waiting, and looking into those places, seriously theres' still alot souls walking around ! making us so .. laughzx. After that i got changed to queue control to replace jasmine cause she need to ask those people can fang ren anot. Was joking with huiling, saying what are we suppose to do, can i take the plastic to put on the zhu chi ren's head ? cause seriously he keep talking ah ? x: hahahas.
So finally, they can fang ren liaos, than queue up to return things. My 'kium cai' time card, My tag and my apron. Ok, whatever iszit. and i ended my job. Exchanged number with jasmine . Laughzx ! She will be going expo to continue the next feast. Im supposed to go actually , but i rejected huiling . Cause i though i will be alone. And somemore, is be cashier , laughzx ! x:
So byebye to bookfeast 2008 popular ! (i will miss youuu !) And yazi came to fetch me home home. And saw alot of familar souls, Sam(like so long didnt saw him), Xiuyi, Kevin & Aihua. Everyone is like joking around. So well, i was really tired. and seriously even sam make me i have no strength to make him back. Hopefully, at the very last he bully aihua, i help her. And we gang up bully sam ! hahahas ! that was nice (Sam de skin very thick lehs ): bite until my teeths very pain lohzx ) Ok, and like finally, reached 201 went down, and byebye !
I went home than yazi came along. Laughzx, chatted chat chat. Than know somethings. But hopefully, can't blame her too . But well, nothing to do with me . hahahas ! X:
Ok, so wordy post, i shall treat you guys some pictures ! *winks*
Enjoy ! :D
13 Nov
15 & 16 Nov
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