fhx, whenever i have matters i always know you are with me, you're standing at my side, knowing what i'm thinking and even have the same thinking with me. Thank-you for that. *kiss yaw!!*
I woke up at 8.ooa.m, i recieve a message from my CA. She told me that i must pass her the attendance file that i bought home yesterday by today, as don't know what blahblah. So went to school early instead of late, cause my mini grouppy is having their colouring lesson today. So decided to go and look for them and chilled with them for awhile. After that, i went to look for XGBFF at 445.
I saw my darling secondary form-teacher!! I totally feel so warmth when i saw him. Told him about somethings that happen in my ite life, interesting or not. Doesn't really matter is just that piece of concern.
Went to Tiong bahru for my YN interview. Happen alot of funny things in between, because of Ya Tan. Went for the interview and i bring my uniform to change as i don't like wearing uniform walking around. So went for the interview the interviewer, Miss Cindy ask me a few question and she's really friendly! She happen to ask me this question and totally make Ya Tan so piss off with me x; hahahs.
Miss Cindy: Who are the two people outside waiting, who are they ?
Me: Oh, their my secondary school friend.
Miss Cindy: Oh, so do you have boyfriend now ?
Me: Er.. no ?
Miss Cindy: Oh, i thought that the guy outside is your boyfriend
Me: *cover mouth and laugh* no la .. he so ugly

*He's under anger and took this picture with me*
Me: Oh, their my secondary school friend.
Miss Cindy: Oh, so do you have boyfriend now ?
Me: Er.. no ?
Miss Cindy: Oh, i thought that the guy outside is your boyfriend
Me: *cover mouth and laugh* no la .. he so ugly
*He's under anger and took this picture with me*
HAHAHAHA, when i told him, he is so angry giving me a very funny look, but that's all joking luh! x:
P/S: But .. he don't admit it . So i can't do anything just keep laughing. Whenever i mention YN his face is like " shut up shut up please" hahaha.
After that we went back to tampines popular to ask for the book that i ordered. Sadly, the book hasn't arrive yet. So i have to wait again. When we are about to go home, guess what ? I saw, Guanleong, Augustine and Yiqin!! I was like really surprise to see them. Chatted quite awhile and went home. I gonna meet them out man, i miss them like hell lots.
& here i am now. My eyes is really very tired, like any second my eyes will be closed. I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeeep well tonight.
P/S/S: I'll try my best, i .. learned
P/S/S/S: Why people can be so fake? They are so different from what they say, they do.