Time really pass very fast, it's like last year.. april 12? HAHA.
Thank god i still able to remember, that's show my brain still working quite well! :D
Well well, this time round we just went there for BBQ.
It's a advance celebration for father's day. &well it's also a gathering, but Jiaqi, Huiqi &Ahyang
wasn't there. It's quite boring, but one big lucky thing was... Bf tagged along.
He actually accompany me throughout the whole day there.

I was complaining to him how boring that place is, but he claimed that it's relaxing and..
he pretty like it, i guess :D
Fishing there! :D

My brother tried fishing too!

He is the professional for fishing! He caught two small fishes in a roll.

This fishy is still alive, flipping around.
not sure what they did to it after that..

Patient.. patient fishing need patient bro..
I also tried to hook a fish out from the sea, but the worm on the hook always got eat by
those professional fishes! >:( &bf told me,
we can't let those fishes eat free food)
HAHA, and he take over,

&i asked him to take picture with me!
and after taking a few pictures, know what he tell me?
Dear, don't talk to me when I'm fishing.. see the worm got eaten again.."
Haha, so funny, end up give up and go have our lunch together with mummy and Jessy jiejie.
They having a afternoon buffet there and know what?!
The buffet was like, 10 dollars PER-PERSON. That's for member price
So my mummy and Jessy jiejie actually paid 20 dollars to enter the buffet,
bf and me went there to have lunch
without paying cause the aunty at the paying counter wasn't there.
Shawn and 2 of his friends came over to join us too.
Jessy jiejie actually finding the aunty to pay for the 5 of us,
but she still wasn't there, after awhile my brother finish fishing with my dad,
They came over and eat also! Get the picture? HAHA
meaning the 9 of us, only pay $2.22 for the buffet! HAHA.

Wayne wayne came and play around with him :D


What's my bf looking at ?
Lol, saw the key? That weird key chain seriously make me laugh like hell.
The guys, Shane, my bro &bf keep playing with it, especially shane uh! :x
HAHAHA! I can't deny this cousin of mine(shane) really cute.
Whenever i saw him I'll touch his stomach, and he'll like keep running away from me :x
And that day he wore that shirt "Don't touch" HAHAHA! Damn funny man!
&Yup, that's all for my father's day celebration

Pardon my late wish, dad..
but here wishing you a happy father's day, wish you'll stay healthy like you use to be.
Try to drink lesser &look after your health alright? Lubzx You To Da Maxii! :)
Cherish before it's gone.