Didn't come and post something on this lil space of mine, since very long, like june? I'm curious whether is there anyone still here, so loyal visiting my blog checking for entries. If there is, ♥ This is for you, Love you ttm. ^o^
I'm supa fine! One thing changed my life is my work.
I've changed my working place, and people i work with kinda change too..
When I'm at my previous working place which is, Nex Reds Hairdressing. That place was the first salon i worked for, and also the most comfortable working place. As you know i always post up how awesome my colleagues are, they treat me really good.. Concern never fail to be there, and well.. i can't deny there's sad times over there, politics that is definitely.. Like got outcast out of the sudden, everyone showing faces at me, which i don't even know why, until there's someone came to tell me what's going on. I was misunderstand by them, and yes one most regretful thing before i left is, i didn't explain. Maybe I'm angry maybe i don't even bother? But still that place, that salon is awesome.. I love every single thing inside, even those people who tries to hit me down (
in some way) I still love them..
Oh.. and i really rely on someone inside there. He's really awesome. I felt really lucky to have him in my life, guide me through almost every single thing that happen to me through out the 4 months there. Hmmm.. maybe he's no longer the same, no longer advise me like he used to now, but all I'll remember is what he gave me this 4 months down, other then protective, caring, tiring his best to put a smile on my face, or even do some silly things just to see me smile, he still make me angry MOST of the times. That's how awesome he is..
ps: If you're reading, if you remember you said that if one day you're not there to do silly stuff to make me smile, I'll definitely miss it, and you're right i miss it.&never forget my awesome assistant manager,
He's too awesome that i totally can't describe it in words. He's too awesome x10000000000000...
&My awesome buddy, Jearyl kho. ♥
You're an awesome DJ!! It's also awesome that there's ALOT of songs that reminds me of you. I MISS YOU IDOL!!!
she is the one who i really love in the salon. She guide me in almost every single thing, encourage me, she's smurfing awesome!!
Always advise me in politics way.. Keep brain washing me, asking me to ignore ignore ignore ignore.. and He's really AWESOME!
Though when i'm in reds, some things she said, i might not like it, but now how i wish she could always at my side nagging me and advice me, listen to me.. I really miss her :(
&Jasmine, Nicole Ivy, Jim
I miss all of you guys too!! ♥
& my very fierce and cute manager, greg.. Funny thing is, i miss him most out of everyone..Just his everything, i miss.. The way he give me a really fierce look, the way he smile, the way he joke with us, and teach me.. I miss him.

At my working place, I have to stand up for myself, do everything by my own. I have to control my emotionals myself, and make my day myself by doing something really stupid. It's like a huge changed in my life. Is it good or bad? Sometimes i really have hard times, no one to rant to, and worst of all, I CAN'T IGNORE. Nothing simply make my day over there, in reds, there's
AT LEAST a song will make my day. But right here, nothing. Emmmm, not totally nothing, but there's still people here, make my day. Like Kevin, Dean.. they make my day in someway, and they are really awesome! Especially Dean, he's a really really nice guy who actually taught me alot, and he made me feel that i grew up a little by his advise. When I'm feeling negative, he'll find his way to make me feel positive. Which is nice. Though i still feel that.................. I miss Nex reds, that's all i could explain my feeling right now.
Other then work,
My life is still at the same running track. Nothing changes, but mindset. I used to be very lazy, but recently i'm kinda hardworking. HAHA. It's really crazy that i saw a huge change in me after i enter my current working place. My temper, are kind of control by me, not they controlling me..
Please don't think too much after i post this to express how i feel through this whole 6 months in hair dressing line. And how many awesome people i met in my life, and who i really miss right now. All my awesome colleagues in reds.
I'm out of here.
I miss lots of things in my life right now.
Secondary school 2009 - I miss that year, that place, those people.
ITE 2010 - I miss my awesome mates, everyone of you UH0901A, you guys rocks. \m/
YNHC 2010 Nov - I miss My awesome working mates ♥ SHERMAINE KHOR!
Artbox 2010 Jan - All my lovely ladies.. I miss you girls
Reds 2011 April 18 - July 28 - My life time awesome colleagues, NEX reds hair dressing
&I miss my crazy lady, Cher Ng..
All of you guys, i'm really missing now..
Hope you guys can hear that..