
1 March 2013

3 years ago

Exactly 3 year go (28Feb2010), I met a guy at my cousin, Shawn's house. Wearing yellow with white stripe polo tee, with a pair of white specs. Sitting right beside me. I didn't realize him, cause he wasn't any handsome guy (at that time!). but why I started noticing him is because, he's using the same cell phone as me. (Samsung omnia, mine was black and his was silver) And strongly I know, HE'S LOOKING AT ME. He's listening to me and my dad's conversation, and laughing about it. AS YOU GIRLS should know, when guys are looking at you, whether they are interested or not, you'll just not to give a damn, and continue catching their attention (imagine yourself like some world gorgeous lady, bahahahahahahaha.)

And finally, the chase..................

This guy want to take my number from me, but he doesn't dare to. So he asked his cousin, Ling for help. So Ling and I was talking in the room and out of sudden she goes like "My cousin wants to take your number." Then I was like "Oh... ok. Who's your cousin?" Next she said, "The yellow shirt one! (ohh..) so i give?" Then I was thinking in my heart like (OMG are you seriously? why don't he come and take himself. And that drunk face (super red face).) After that I told Ling, "Can I don't?" And she told me, "Give la, he's a nice guy. Make friend only ma" Then I said, "Er.... ok lor" So... she gave him.

At the back of the story, He told his sister's Bf; steven (at that time) "I think that girl not bad ley" And Steven said "Go take la, once a year only ley. Don't take will regret" And he said "Ok if this time I get blackjack I go get" And, he got blackjack!!!!

And back to my side, after Ling gave him my number and told me, "He say two weeks later he'll contact you". I was thinking, (Wtf? Why he so big shot sia! Why must wait 2 weeks!) End up then i know, He's going india for army trip. LOL!

But when i left my cousin place, and he texted me "So early go off already?" And... we begin with chatting mates. Purely just texting each other talking on the phone.

This just go on for about, 1 years plus?

We finally meet up, at Reds salon (my current working place)

After alot of stuff that happen, we can quarrel when we are just friends, we can laugh so hard together as if like we know each other for many years. We've got so many things to chat about when we only know each other for 2 years! It's an amazing relationship between us! We're from stranger, to friends, to bestfriend, and now. I cherish what we've been through, till today, i haven't get sick of you. I really love you baby. It's the most amazing things that we got together. Chances always come back to us, maybe god just want us to be together.

Always loving you, your cutest face, your adorable naughty attitude, your bad, and your smile that brighten me most! Thanks for entering my life, thanks for being a part of me!

                                              Happy 3 years of meeting each other! ♥