Hello everybody!
How have you been? How's life? How's your family? It's a very common question we have been asking somebody that you didn't see for a long time. Well, how are you, my bestfriend? (blogger). I remember how I used to blog to vent my anger, or even my emo stuff! Less happy stuff I could say. But it've been long, since I last updated here. I used to swear that I'll never stop blogging, but who knows? When I started to work, and have my own life, I have no time at all. It's really funny when I decided to turn on my computer and update something, and I start wiping the dust on my keyboard and table. I'm not being exaggeration
! And I started typing and backspacing it again and again. I realise whatever I'm gonna post, is stupid and unnecessary. It's like who cares I bought a new phone, everybody else bought a new phone too. Who cares what happen to your life, some other having even worst then mine or better then mine. So what is so interesting about? It's life, and I have to move on. So ended up, turning off my computer and start to do other thing much meaningful. I even thought of closing down my blog, as I guess no people look for my updates anymore. AND my unknown readers are gone far already. But it contains my memories, my youth and my life. So decided to keep it for myself!
Ok, about myself now. Recently I have been hearing some common problems which is, Divorce. Well, it might be common now adays. but when it happen to my family, I'll start to feel pain about it? Is like, what? divorce? Is a simple 7 letters, but it takes up alot of courage and alot of reason behind to end this marriage. So, do people start thinking back how loving they are when they walked in the ballroom door? Do they remember how they feel when their new born child was here? And do even they remember how they swear and promise to hold on to this marriage till the end of their life? Some people they can be so loving till the end of their life. Just like my parents. They might not be the most loving ones, they might not be the most happy one. But definietly they're one of the happy couple. They do fight, they do have arguement, they don't express love towards each other every single day, of course, they said DIVORCE before but still, they support and respect each other life, and never never give up. It's amazing how marriage gonnna last, but at the same time, it's hard.

Well, it's ok if marriage end with just the two of us. But what if marriage ended with, kids? I might not know how we gonna manage a relationship between someone who did something really bad to us, i mean really bad, but come to think of it, like what drama always said, "Children are innocent". We bought them to this world and we force them to accept a broken family. What's so good being a gift from god. Yup, some parents, they cherish what was given to god, even if the child wasn't normal. But yet, when we were given something near to perfect, we took forgranted and forgot how to cherish it. And think back, ain't we selfish? We bought them here, and we force them to accept our mistake. Why didn't we think of them, before this and everything happen?

Well, I felt the fear of having a broken family before. At that point of time, I felt, "why are they so unfair to me. They bought me here, and now they forced me to accept their mistake that causes a broken family" I couldn't sleep, I'm afaird I'll lost both of them. At that point of time, I was just 13? 14? Don't even say it when your childen was even smaller. They might not know now, but in the future? Are you able to take it, if your child called others Mummy/Daddy? It's something called responsibility. How does our kids think? Through someone eyes, I see the saddness in them. It's so hopeless that you can't stop this. And you feel that, you're nothing important, cause you ain't the reason they even wanna continue their relationship. And we started to tell them neagtive things like, "Oh, Your mum don't want you anymore. Your dad left us" Heart sink. This is what I can describe. Kids, no longer can find things to make their smile back again. They are so young and they are facing this? Riddiculous. I thought that kids harddest question was, which character to choose in games, or which barbie doll should I use to day.
I know somethings are hard to forgive, something it's hard to save. But this all, are for people who are having a marriage now. Really, cherish who you put the ring on, and who is the one who you make a promise to takecare, and love him/her no matter what. Cause the ring, stands for promise. If you can't hold the promise, then never put on the ring.
I hope everything could be alright, is not because of your happiness, but your child. The poor kid that used to have so much of happiness, and now, she/he got nothing. Or your kid is smiling to you yet he/she doesn't know there's a nightmare waiting being them. Frown, and fear this is what I see from her eyes last night. Please don't be so selfish. Think for your child. There's nothing more important then your own family, someone who forgives your mistake, and never give up on you.
I will try to update more often! Please look for my next update.
♥, Huiyuchen